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Tuesday, April 3, 2012

me kecewa..

semasa entri ni dibuat, aku dalam keadaan tertekan. tak tahu pada siapa harus aku mengadu. im just not a perfect person. aku sangat frust dengan diri sendiri. aku bukan sombong. aku cuma x ramah dan susah nak mulakan sesuatu perbualan itu. hanya benda ni memakan diri sendiri and the consequences is, nobody talk to me. bukanlah everyone, but most of the people in my office ignoring me. yup, i am the one who should be blame because of my attitude.

aku sebenarnya tertekan. maybe i miss my best friend in UITM. they are the best friend that can make me laugh and entertain me.such a wondeful friends. how i wish the time can come back and we are having a gud time together, karaoke for almost every week and makan ayam penyet.. sob sob. i have another 3 months to complete my practical training.. sangat lama!!please,, i need a motivation..i am totally down and depress. never feel this feeling before.

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Time Kacehh sebab udah baca ini entry:)